LAYOUT 2019.03.29
Flower expression
Flowers for wild plants are important organs to leave descendants. Each plant evolved its shape and color to the present form, after a long process for efficiently leaving descendants. Flowers that are also representations of such biological strategies sometimes give us a sense of healing and surprises, and there are some unique things that make you smile among such strategies. The genus Dracula which grows naturally in the highland cloud forest of Central and South America is familiar with its nickname, Monkey Orchid because their flowers look like monkey face. Generally, highland plants such as Dracula are strong in cold weather, while in the summer they need to be managed in a cool room and it is advisable to shift the glass cover a little to avoid too much humidity inside the glass container. The lighting is sufficient if Sol Stand G is available.

Sol Stand G (18W)
Neo Glass Air W15×D15×H30 (cm)
Neo Glass Cover 15×15 (cm)
Dracula lotax
Creator / Kota Iwahori
Sol Stand G (18W)
Neo Glass Air W15×D15×H30 (cm)
Neo Glass Cover 15×15 (cm)
Dracula lotax
Creator / Kota Iwahori

Flowering Dracula lotax