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HOME AQUARIUM ‘Enjoy plants with Neo Glass Air’

Fun for creating mini Paludarium

As the weather becomes warm, it is the ideal season to enjoy mini Paludarium. Besides aquatic plants and moss, small epiphytic orchids can be utilized too. If creating Paludarium in this season, flowers can be enjoyed from late fall through spring. It is easy to maintain, and a natural feeling applicable to Nature Aquarium can be easily appreciated even more.

【 Example of mini Paludarium production 】

Neo Glass Air W20×D20×H20cm
Make a substrate
Spread Jungle Base to keep breathability in the bottom layer, add Jungle Soil on top and smooth level it evenly.
Create a composition
Arrange a composition of the layout with driftwood and stones. In order to emphasize the shape of the driftwood you like, think about placements and angles.
Fix epiphytes
Because small epiphytic orchids prefer breathability, plant them in open spaces as much as possible. When fixing them, pay attention to which way they would grow.
【Recommended epiphytes】
BIO Vesicularia Montagnei
BIO Taxiphyllum sp.’Peacock Moss’
BIO Vesicularia ferriei ‘Weeping moss’
BIO Anubias barteri var. nana ‘Petite’
Bucephalandra sp. ‘Sintang’

Wrap driftwood with Terra Tape 

Terra Tape enhances the water retention capacity.
Attach epiphytes on driftwood
Wind epiphytes with Terra Line and firmly fix them.
Slightly adjust the direction and angle of the driftwood and decide where to place.
Make ups and downs
By adding Jungle Soil and make the background higher, perspective is given. And by adding Yougan Stones, it creates ups and downs and becomes natural.
Raise the ground level by sprinkling from above.
Plant aquatic plants
Use 1 cup of each 3 aquatic plants and plant them with Plqua Pincette M. If spraying mist on the substrate before planting, the planting work becomes easier.
Layout completed
Place moss on the Yougan Stones, plant carpet plants and the work is completed. If neatly arranging the substrate line in the front, the finish look becomes even more beautiful.
Daily maintenance of mini Paludarium
The main daily maintenance is to adjust humidity, and it can be adjusted by spraying mist, and opening and closing a glass lid. The ideal temperature is 15~25℃, and be careful with getting too stuffy at high temperature.
Give plenty of water using a spray bottle.
Enhance the leaf colors with Wabi-Kusa Mist. Pleasant scent is wafted.
By adjusting a gap of the glass lid, humidity can be controlled.
Flowers of Epidendrum porpax. Take care of it until its flowering season.


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