HOW TO ENJOY TERRA BASE “ADA Living Products for Terra Base vol.1”
We are introducing mosses and epiphytic orchids suitable for Terra Base in this article.
3 types of Wabi-Kusa Mat recommended for Terra Base
A natural impression can be created by putting moss on all over Terra Base. And if moss is attached partially around roots of epiphytic orchid, it adds moisturizing effects. Although it may take some time, moss spreading out from where the moss is attached, can be enjoyed nicely.
Mosses suitable for Terra Base among ADA’s aquatic mosses, are Vesicularia montagnei, Taxiphyllum sp. ‘Peacock Moss’ and Taxiphyllum sp. ‘Spiky Moss’.

Vesicularia montagnei grows having curls and hanging down. It is relatively tolerant to dry conditions, and it can be said that it is the most suitable species for Terra Base.

Taxiphyllum sp. ‘Peacock Moss’ has a strong tendency to grow outward, and it is easy for Taxiphyllum sp. ‘Peacock Moss’ to increase volume in a short period of time. Although it may look sad when it is trimmed, it is an easy to use species having good sprouting. Taxiphyllum sp. ‘Spiky Moss’ is overall thin with fine leaves.

Although Taxiphyllum sp. ‘Spiky Moss’ has the same characteristic to grow outward as Taxiphyllum sp. ‘Peacock Moss’, it gives more delicate impressions because of its fine leaves.
By the way, aquatic moss (commonly distributed as Willow Moss) that ADA offers as Moss Bag is not suitable for Terra Base because it doesn’t grow evenly above water, and the growing points do not become so dense.
By the way, aquatic moss (commonly distributed as Willow Moss) that ADA offers as Moss Bag is not suitable for Terra Base because it doesn’t grow evenly above water, and the growing points do not become so dense.
Epiphytic orchids that add a colorful touch to Terra Base
The most attractive thing about epiphytic orchids is their flowers. It is true to say that flowering is the most dramatic event for plants. By adding bright colors of orchid flowers to Terra Base, the Terra Base will look instantly gorgeous. Because an indoor environment tends to be short of light compared to a natural environment, it is recommended to use artificial lighting such as Paluda Light and Magnet Light G in order to make flowers bloom. Try to give them at least 5,000 lux of light.
Flowering time of ADA’s epiphytic orchid lineup (Research by ADA)

Bulbophyllum ambrosia
The ADA’s current lineup of epiphytic orchids has many species that flower in winter. Now, Dinema polybulbon and Mediocalcar versteegii are in flowering season. Besides shapes and colors of flowers, shapes of leaves are points when choosing orchids. ADA is planning to release species that flower from spring throughout summer in the future.

This week’s Terra Base

Terra Base M
①Sphagnum sp.
②Vesicularia montagnei
Terra Base M
①Sphagnum sp.
②Vesicularia montagnei

This Terra Base mainly has Vesicularia montagnei, and by adding Sphagnum sp. partially, expressions are added to the mosses. Although it is hard to see in the photo, by using large moss, an uneven texture is created on the surface. Sphagnum sp. had a tendency to grow more densely in the upper part of Terra Base, and to grow large when it has more moisture. Although this example had more experimental sides, we wanted to introduce Sphagnum sp. as another option for moss that is available to use.
When you carefully look at the photo below, Vesicularia montagnei has sporophytes. The ones with fine tips are young sporophytes. The tips swell up when fully grown, and an organ called moss sporangium is formed. Spores are created in the moss sporangia, and Vesicularia montagnei survives by scattering the spores.
When you carefully look at the photo below, Vesicularia montagnei has sporophytes. The ones with fine tips are young sporophytes. The tips swell up when fully grown, and an organ called moss sporangium is formed. Spores are created in the moss sporangia, and Vesicularia montagnei survives by scattering the spores.

And moss develops brown filaments called rhizoid. Rhizoid is an organ for moss to grow on driftwood etc., and when there is no object for rhizoids to take root, and mosses are over grown, rhizoids become more noticeable in a bad way. Overall, they appear red brown, and the look gives a bad impression. Therefore, it is better to prune them as needed.
If you look at plants closely, even small plants are created precisely. The more you see it, the more interesting it gets. There is a saying that God is in the details. Nature is the best example of a creator proving that nature creates even small forms without excess or deficiency while having genes as a blueprint. Biodiversity is genetic diversity, and it is an important asset that we must protect. Hoping that you could feel the wonders and charms of nature through observing plants.
If you look at plants closely, even small plants are created precisely. The more you see it, the more interesting it gets. There is a saying that God is in the details. Nature is the best example of a creator proving that nature creates even small forms without excess or deficiency while having genes as a blueprint. Biodiversity is genetic diversity, and it is an important asset that we must protect. Hoping that you could feel the wonders and charms of nature through observing plants.