Stained glass-like leaves swinging in the water
Any aquatic plant hobbyists may have once wanted to grow a lace plant. Its form goes beyond the concept of “ally” and “aquatic plants”, and it is mysterious and attractive even in the broad framework of “natural life form”. The pale green stained glass-like leaves can be viewed for a long, by losing track of time. Depending on the natural habitats, there are various types; broad leaf, slender leaf or leaf with broader lattice, and the lace plant was once classified with each type. There are various reasons for the variation, such as to increase the efficiency of photosynthesis and to reduce the resistance of flowing water, but the clear reason is not known. In addition, it has a dormant period that is characteristic of tuber plants, and it is difficult to control. The product set that is newly available this time and scheduled to be released from the end of June comes with a soil, and you can enjoy the plant growth easily. Also, the Neo Glass Air should make the lace plant more attractive and more familiar.

DOOA Neo Glass Air W15 x D15 x H30 (cm)
DOOA Neo Glass Cover 15 x 15 (cm)
ADA original soil
Lace plant (Aponogeon madagascaliensis)
Production / ADA
DOOA Neo Glass Air W15 x D15 x H30 (cm)
DOOA Neo Glass Cover 15 x 15 (cm)
ADA original soil
Lace plant (Aponogeon madagascaliensis)
Production / ADA