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  4. Enjoying Wabi-Kusa with Neo Glass Air

Enjoying Wabi-Kusa with Neo Glass Air

Combining freely,
Incorporating Wabi-Kusa in living space,
Enjoy green colors.

Wabi-Kusa is easy to handle. A waterside space can be effortlessly recreated with glass containers. Choose containers and substrates in accordance with plants and living creatures, and complete the set up without planting. They grow beyond recognition in a short period of time with no sign of slowing down, because of undamaged roots. There are so many varieties of Neo Glass Air. Therefore it enables us to enjoy them in so many ways such as above-water, emersed, and submerged. If it’s near bright windows, they can grow with only natural lights without any electricity. You can effortlessly enjoy Wabi-Kusa.

Combinations of Wabi-Kusa and Neo Glass Air

❶Neo Glass Air W30×D18×H12(cm)
Wabi-Kusa Stemmed Plants Mix
Wabi-Kusa Karen
Wabi-Kusa Hydrocotyle verticillata
Fish: Oryzias latipes ‘Miyuki’
Substrate: Tropical River Soil

❷Neo Glass Air W15×D15×H25(cm)
Wabi-Kusa MIZUBE Mix
Fish: Oryzias latipes
Substrate: Aqua Soil Amazonia Ⅱ

❸Neo Glass Air W20×D20×H20(cm)
Wabi-Kusa Echinodorus Mix
Fish: Betta
Substrate: Tropical River Sand
*Wabi-Kusa Hanger M is used.

❹Neo Glass Air W15×D15×H30(cm)
Wabi-Kusa Mossbase
Fish: Tanichthys albonubes
Substrate: Tropical River Sand

❺Neo Glass Air W20×D20×H8(cm)
Wabi-Kusa Stemmed Plants Mix
Fish: Oryzias latipes var.
Substrate: Tropical River Sand


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