ADA PLANTS ‘Wabi-Kusa Mat & Moss Bag’
Utilizing aquatic moss for wall displays
Moss and epiphytes take roots on mats that are developed for easy rooting. Moss Bag that contains plenty of moss, is recommended for planted aquarium.

Wabi-Kusa Mat Taxiphyllum barbieri
There is no need to wind it on anything, and the moss grows just by sinking it in the water. It works great with small shrimps.
There is no need to wind it on anything, and the moss grows just by sinking it in the water. It works great with small shrimps.

Wabi-Kusa Mat Taxiphyllum sp. ‘Spiky Moss’
It grows faster above water where light is relatively strong. It is great for the wall of System Paluda.
It grows faster above water where light is relatively strong. It is great for the wall of System Paluda.

Wabi-Kusa Mat Taxiphyllum sp. ‘Peacock Moss’
Regardless of whether it is in the water or above water, this species is easy to grow. It is multi-talented moss that works great in various systems.
Regardless of whether it is in the water or above water, this species is easy to grow. It is multi-talented moss that works great in various systems.

Wabi-Kusa Mat Vesicularia Montegni
This moss is resistant to dryness, and easy to use and hard to fail. Of course, it is an all-arounder that grows beautifully underwater.
This moss is resistant to dryness, and easy to use and hard to fail. Of course, it is an all-arounder that grows beautifully underwater.

Wabi-Kusa Mat Callicostella prabaktiana
It is a standard species that grows like it is weeping underwater. Because it spreads out having thickness above water, it can be used in the foreground.
It is a standard species that grows like it is weeping underwater. Because it spreads out having thickness above water, it can be used in the foreground.

Wabi-Kusa Mat Taxiphyllum sp. ‘Flame Moss’
This moss develops like leaves of Cypress in three dimensions. The way it looks when grown on driftwood or stones is very different from other mosses.
This moss develops like leaves of Cypress in three dimensions. The way it looks when grown on driftwood or stones is very different from other mosses.

Wabi-Kusa Mat Hygrophila pinnatifida
Because its leaves tend to fall more when the humidity is high above water, it should be in a place where the air is flowing. More nutrients are better.
Because its leaves tend to fall more when the humidity is high above water, it should be in a place where the air is flowing. More nutrients are better.

Wabi-Kusa Mat Philodendron sp.
Its roots grow vigorously, and when used on a wall, it grows like a dominant species.
Its roots grow vigorously, and when used on a wall, it grows like a dominant species.

Wabi-Kusa Mat Begonia lichenora
It is a small Begonia with small shiny leaves. Even though it grows in the dark, it grows toward the bright side while crawling on the ground.
It is a small Begonia with small shiny leaves. Even though it grows in the dark, it grows toward the bright side while crawling on the ground.

Moss Bag Taxiphyllum barbieri
It is a typical aquatic moss. Plenty is contained to be used for a W60cm layout.
It is a typical aquatic moss. Plenty is contained to be used for a W60cm layout.