HOW TO ENJOY TERRA BASE ‘Yearning for cloud forests’
This serial HOW TO ENJOY TERRA BASE will widely cover TERRA BASE from product concepts and product systems including related items to tips for maintenance.

In a tropical cloud forest covered in fog for the most of the day, trees are almost completely covered with plants such as moss, ferns and orchids. Those plants create a distinctive dense forest atmosphere. The plants that grow on trees are called epiphytes, and the fresh look of moss, the unique look of fern leaves and flowers of orchids are very charming. The feature of TERRA BASE is that we can enjoy growing those epiphytes in a condition of a tree trunk just like their natural habitat. Joy of creating scenery that cannot be experienced with potted plants or a single plant on a plate, will give us an opportunity to enjoy an atmosphere unique to their natural habitat even though it is small.

A tropical cloud forest is covered in fog for the most of the day. Various animals and plants live in such an environment.

Moss on a tree trunk and crawling epiphytes grow over time.

The air humidity is high, and the moss on the tree trunk retains moisture.
Learn from nature.
Epiphytes growing naturally in tropical cloud forests prefer an environment with high humidity in the air. In an artificial environment, when setting up a TERRA BASE in an aquarium tank such as Neo Glass Air or Neo Glass Paluda, it is necessary to prepare an environment with high air humidity. Mixing these plants is not easy because epiphytes like mosses, ferns and orchids prefer different growth environments. Thus, it is necessary to control temperature, humidity, illuminance and air volume when those plants are planted together. For that reason alone, when plants like small wild species of orchids from tropical cloud forests bloom, we feel especially happy. We believe these experiences will lead people to have interest and understanding in the natural environment.

TERRA BASE was developed based on how plants naturally grow.

Needless to say, plants cannot move. Plants survive in places where their seeds fell, and they continue to grow there while searching for light and water. Scenery created over a long period of time as shown in the above picture is the ultimate vision that TERRA BASE aims. In nature, appropriate plants grow in their most suitable places. Look for clues as to what plants are growing and where they are growing. When you recreate the look of nature that you imagine with TERRA BASE, fun gets even deeper.
This week’s TERRA BASE

Main plants on this TERRA BASE are Lepanthes calodictyon and Lepanthes saltatrix attached to the center of the main unit. If the environment is properly prepared for these charming ultra-small South American epiphytic orchids when they are fully grown, they start developing leaves one after another, and flower buds are pushed from the center of the leaves. The flowers can be enjoyed all year around. A genus of Lepanthes is generally called Cool Orchids, and a cool environment is needed for them. However, these 2 species demonstrated good growth even at relatively high temperature. The web like pattern of the leaves is distinctive. And there are variations of the pattern from subtle to thick.
On the upper part of the TERRA BASE, Barbosella handroi is slowly growing along the edge. Because this species is relatively hardy for dryness, it can be attached to the upper part. This species bloomed twice a year, in May and October.
For Cischweinfia sheehaniae, it was too moist in this environment. Therefore, its roots didn’t grow enough, and it hasn’t bloomed as of yet. In terms of Phymatidium tillandsioides, all the leaves eventually fell out except its terminal buds. However, Davallia repens is slowly growing. When cultivating ferns, it is important not to make their roots get dry, especially right after adding them to TERRA BASE. It seems that the ever-moist surface of Terra Base is comfortable for ferns.
①Barbosella handroi
②Cischweinfia sheehaniae
③Davallia repens
④Lepanthes calodictyon
⑤Lepanthes saltatrix
⑥Phymatidium tillandsioides
⑦Taxiphyllum sp. ‘Spiky moss’
On the upper part of the TERRA BASE, Barbosella handroi is slowly growing along the edge. Because this species is relatively hardy for dryness, it can be attached to the upper part. This species bloomed twice a year, in May and October.
For Cischweinfia sheehaniae, it was too moist in this environment. Therefore, its roots didn’t grow enough, and it hasn’t bloomed as of yet. In terms of Phymatidium tillandsioides, all the leaves eventually fell out except its terminal buds. However, Davallia repens is slowly growing. When cultivating ferns, it is important not to make their roots get dry, especially right after adding them to TERRA BASE. It seems that the ever-moist surface of Terra Base is comfortable for ferns.
①Barbosella handroi
②Cischweinfia sheehaniae
③Davallia repens
④Lepanthes calodictyon
⑤Lepanthes saltatrix
⑥Phymatidium tillandsioides
⑦Taxiphyllum sp. ‘Spiky moss’

Next time, TERRA BASE itself and its related aquarium products will be introduced.