連載:Aqua Journal vol.306
DOOA STYLE #9 ‘Looking at the banks of a tributary of the Mano River deep into Liberia’
This layout, where Anubias gracilis is growing vigorously, is maintained in a room with humidity between 30-40%. The plant is relatively drought tolerant, and suitable for both emersed and terrestrial cultivation in a Neo Glass Air tank. However, it still needs to be misted at morning, noon, and evening times, and moisturizing leaves with water will help it develop large, glossy leaves. Anubias gracilis is found in the dense forests of western Liberia, one of my favorite places. The plant spreads its leaves with Bolbitis and moss on the banks of rivers where the sun shines for less than three hours a day. It is quite natural for an avid aquatic plant enthusiast to dream of wading through the jungle and see their native habitat for himself. The reality, however, is not so easy, because many obstacles stand in the way. I think that those who can break through it have a truly strong and pure inquisitive mind. With such an aspiration in mind, I created this aquascape.

DOOA Neo Glass Air 20×20×8(㎝)
DOOA Tropical River Soil
Manten Stone
Anubias gracilis
Plagiomnium acutum
Entodon sp.
Hypnum plumaeforme Wilson
Thuidiaceae sp.
Creation: Kota Iwahori
DOOA Neo Glass Air 20×20×8(㎝)
DOOA Tropical River Soil
Manten Stone
Anubias gracilis
Plagiomnium acutum
Entodon sp.
Hypnum plumaeforme Wilson
Thuidiaceae sp.
Creation: Kota Iwahori