Have fun with system Vol. 1 “Have fun creating”
DOOA’s system aquariums allow us to effortlessly enjoy creating layouts and growing plants. Shibata, one of the best maintenance technicians in the NAC department, introduces the daily maintenance and practice. I’m doing the maintenance today too!, says Shibata.
Creating a fun System Terra with favorite plants
My name is Shibata. I would like to introduce some know-hows for the daily maintenance of DOOA’s system aquarium while actually creating a layout and doing maintenance. If you are currently doing maintenance for a system aquarium or thinking about trying out in the near future, please use my know-hows as reference. What I created for this project is a layout in System Terra 30. The arrangement of the composition materials is simple, so that you can see small changes in Wabi-Kusa Mats and aquatic plants in the water. I incorporated my favorite plants on the wall.

DOOA Sol Stand RGB/DOOA System Terra 30/DOOA Glass Cover for System Terra 30/DOOA Mistflow/CO2 System Kit CO2 Mini Counter/CO2 Mini Diffuser J φ10/Unzan Stone/DOOA Tropical River Soil
Eleocharis parvula/Anubias barteri var.nana ‘Petite’/Lagenandra keralensis/Taxiphyllum sp. ‘Peacock Moss’/Saxifraga stolonifera/Bolbitis heteroclita ‘Cuspidata’/Microsorum sp. ‘Krabi’/Lygodium/Homalomena humilis/Asplenium x kenzoi/Nephrolepis cordifolia ‘Duffii’
DOOA Sol Stand RGB/DOOA System Terra 30/DOOA Glass Cover for System Terra 30/DOOA Mistflow/CO2 System Kit CO2 Mini Counter/CO2 Mini Diffuser J φ10/Unzan Stone/DOOA Tropical River Soil
Eleocharis parvula/Anubias barteri var.nana ‘Petite’/Lagenandra keralensis/Taxiphyllum sp. ‘Peacock Moss’/Saxifraga stolonifera/Bolbitis heteroclita ‘Cuspidata’/Microsorum sp. ‘Krabi’/Lygodium/Homalomena humilis/Asplenium x kenzoi/Nephrolepis cordifolia ‘Duffii’

Point 01. Consider the amount of water at the root.
Since the water retention conditions vary between the upper and lower Wabi-Kusa Mats, I planted them in consideration of the water.
Since the water retention conditions vary between the upper and lower Wabi-Kusa Mats, I planted them in consideration of the water.
Point 02. Connect moss walls.
To make the boundaries of the Wabi-Kusa Mats less noticeable, I put some moss in the gaps between the Wabi-Kusa Mats and planted ferns in the gaps.
To make the boundaries of the Wabi-Kusa Mats less noticeable, I put some moss in the gaps between the Wabi-Kusa Mats and planted ferns in the gaps.

Point 03. Make the underwater section look more spacious.
Because I wanted to get a three-dimensional effect in the underwater section, I placed composition materials from the front to the back to make a path.
Because I wanted to get a three-dimensional effect in the underwater section, I placed composition materials from the front to the back to make a path.
If you use many plants that you love, you can enjoy observing the conditions of your favorite plants daily. I will show you all the maintenance details to complete the System Terra 30 next time.