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Have fun with system Vol. 7 “Enjoying the creative process”

DOOA’s system aquariums allow us to effortlessly enjoy creating layouts and growing plants. Shibata, one of the best maintenance technicians in the NAC department, introduces the daily maintenance and practice. I’m doing maintenance today too!, says Shibata.
Kicking off with the System Paluda edition!

From this issue, we will enjoy a full-scale Paludarium with the 30cm wide “System Paluda 30”. As with the previous project with the “System Terra 30,” the composition is simple to enjoy the growth of plants, and the layout is centered around ADA’s Jungle Plants series and orchids, such as jewel orchid. Based on our experience with the “System Paluda 30,” detailed humidity control is the key to successful plant growth. We start by thinking about the relationship between light and humidity and finding the right environment for each plant.
Point 01 Simple composition
Assuming that it will be covered with moss, several pieces of driftwood are combined to give it thickness and a three-dimensional effect.
SYSTEM DATA   Paluda Light 30 / System Paluda 30 / Circulation Fan 40 / Mistflow / System Paluda Drainage Piece / Horn Wood / Jungle Soil / Jungle Base / Power Cord S-70

PLANTS   Plagiomnium vesicaum / Climacium japonicum Lindb. / Arthropteris palisotii / Vandenboschia kalamocarpa / Lindsaea odorata Roxb. var. japonica (Bak.) Kramer / Racomitrium canescens / Thuidium Kanedae / Polytrichum juniperinum / Ficus sp. Murung raya / Macodes sanderiana / Anectochilus roxburghii / Anectocilus sp. / Epidendrum porpax / Maxillaria spirotantha ‘Pink’ / Maxillaria vernicosa / Sonerila dongnathamensis

Point 02 Having epiphytic orchids take root on driftwood
Three types of epiphytic orchids were planted so that we can enjoy the flowers. It is important to treat the roots to retain moisture.
Creating a base with water retention with Terra Tape.
Wrapping the roots of the orchid with moss and secure it tightly with Terra Line.

Point 03 Wall section with various plantings
The ivy plants are mixed in moderately to accentuate the layout by thickening and twining with the driftwood as they grow.
Having ivy roots and stems twine into the moss using tweezers.
Expecting the jewel orchid to grow in the shade of driftwood with glowing veins.


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