連載:Aqua Journal vol.332
Have fun with system Vol. 11 “Enjoying the maintenance”
DOOA’s system aquariums allow us to effortlessly enjoy layouts and growing plants. Shibata, one of the best maintenance technicians in the NAC department, introduces the daily maintenance and practice. I’m doing maintenance today too!, says Shibata.
Trying to maintain the beauty of the glass case inside and out.
Although Paludarium maintenance does not require an orderly water change as in an aquarium, keeping the Paludarium glass case clean makes it easier to check the condition of the plants and motivates us to do better maintenance, just as keeping aquarium water and glass surfaces clean is important. In particular, when we mist the Paludarium layout on a daily basis to replenish water, calcium stains often adhere to the glass surfaces. To keep the layout beautiful, we do not leave these stains on the glass surfaces and try to maintain the overall beauty of the system.

Paluda Light 30: Turned on for 8 hours
Mistflow: 20-minute operation → 40-minute shutdown repetition
Circulation Fan 40: Starts operating simultaneously with Mistflow → Repeatedly stops after 5 minutes
Point 01 Treatment of old leaves
Daily cutting of old leaves is one of the basic maintenance practices. Be careful not to leave old leaves unattended, as they can cause a loss of healthy foliage and mold.
Daily cutting of old leaves is one of the basic maintenance practices. Be careful not to leave old leaves unattended, as they can cause a loss of healthy foliage and mold.

Point 02 Aiming for zero water stain
Water softened with Paluda Clean PC prevents calcium stains from adhering to glass surfaces, and regular replacement provides long-term benefits.
Water softened with Paluda Clean PC prevents calcium stains from adhering to glass surfaces, and regular replacement provides long-term benefits.

Point 03 Removing dirt that you can’t see
In order to promote plant metabolism, the shower washes away dirt that accumulates and dust that gets mixed in the glass case to keep the foliage of the plants clean.
In order to promote plant metabolism, the shower washes away dirt that accumulates and dust that gets mixed in the glass case to keep the foliage of the plants clean.