連載:Aqua Journal vol.308
DOOA STYLE #11 A simple style that focuses on the layout balance
This is a simple layout, consisting of only three kinds of plants. Having a standard planting scheme, it uses a piece of Hornwood SS size with epiphytic orchids as both a mid-ground material and the main framework, and Hydrocotyle tripartita ‘Mini’ as an undergrowth plant because the plant won’t grow too tall for the foreground. I planted this undergrowth plant in order to moderately hide the driftwood and roots of the epiphytic orchids, and create a layout that matches the shape of the container. From above, you can see the layout is covered by the background Sonerila sp. ‘Wayanad White Spot’, whose eccentric leaves look quite spectacular. When watering the plant, drops of water falling on the leaves create some movement, allowing us to feel the time passing in this small nature.

When it comes to style and ways to have fun with layouts, there is no single answer.

DOOA Jungle Base / Jungle Soil
DOOA Water Sotener
1. Jungle Plants Sonerila sp. ‘Wayanad White spot’
2. Horn Wood SS with epiphytic orchid Maxillaria sophronitis
3. Bio Mizukusa no Mori Hydrocotyle tripartita mini
DOOA Jungle Base / Jungle Soil
DOOA Water Sotener
1. Jungle Plants Sonerila sp. ‘Wayanad White spot’
2. Horn Wood SS with epiphytic orchid Maxillaria sophronitis
3. Bio Mizukusa no Mori Hydrocotyle tripartita mini