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Enjoy DOOA ‘Simple System Aqua 30 with Wabi-Kusa and small stones’

Simple System Aqua 30 with Wabi-Kusa and small stones

It is a simple aquascape with just one Wabi-Kusa Echinodorus MIX placed as a main plant in the center. When the Wabi-Kusa is fully grown in System Aqua 30, it can look cramped if combined with large materials. For that reason, when a free swimming space for fish is secured by using small materials, a sense of openness is given to the aquascape. One of the advantages for using a small aquarium tank like this, is that it does not require many layout materials. It can be said that Wabi-Kusa is an optimal material for aquatic plant beginners.
Shooting date: April 27th, 2021(ADA)
Creator: Daichi Araki
DOOA Sol Stand RGB
DOOA System Aqua 30  W30×D30×H30(cm)
DOOA CO2 System Kit
NA Thermometer J-05WH (for 5mm thickness)
DOOA System Stand 35 (White)
DOOA Suikei Liquid
Power Cord S-70

Wabi-Kusa Echinodorus Mix 9Ø (Red rubin)
Fontinalis antipyretica
Eleocharis parvula

Mikrogeophagus ramirezi
Nannostomus marginatus
Complimenting the plant in the center
Darker moss is intentionally used as a foreground plant to emphasize the Wabi-Kusa Echinodorus MIX. Eleocharis parvula is planted at the boundary of the foreground plant and Wabi-Kusa, and a natural feeling is effectively created.
Choosing fish according to the origin of aquatic plants
Because Wabi-Kusa used for this layout is Echinodorus, I chose Mikrogeophagus ramirezi from South America. We often see them in shops. They are charming and easy to keep even in a small aquarium tank.


“Aqua Journal vol.309”


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