Have fun with system Vol. 4 “Enjoying the Cultivation.”
DOOA’s system aquariums allow us to effortlessly enjoy creating layouts and growing plants. Shibata, one of the best maintenance technicians in the NAC department, introduces the daily maintenance and practice. I’m doing the maintenance today too!, says Shibata.
Addition of liquid nutrients to promote further growth
Because the water quality was stabilized in addition to the system environment, I started adding liquid nutrients to further improve plant growth. For plants on the wall, Wabi-Kusa Mist, which also repels pests, was sprayed just enough to wet the entire leaf surface. For the aquatic plants in the water, 1mL (1 push) of SUIKEI Liquid was added. Both of them contain nutrients essential for the growth of aquatic plants in good balance, so adding the right amount can improve the condition of aquatic plants, such as improving the color of leaves. Since Tropical River Soil is used, it is effective to start adding nutrients as early as possible. However, the amount of nutrients added should be carefully adjusted to avoid eutrophication in the layout, which may lead to the growth of Spirogyra and blue-green algae.

Water quality measurements (6 weeks after production):
NH4 0.2≧
N02 0.02≧
N03 1
PO4 0.05
TH 20
pH 6.4
Water quality measurements (6 weeks after production):
NH4 0.2≧
N02 0.02≧
N03 1
PO4 0.05
TH 20
pH 6.4

Point 01 Nutrient addition
Two types of liquid nutrients help plants grow healthily both above and under water.
Two types of liquid nutrients help plants grow healthily both above and under water.

Point 02 Adjusting the planting area for Eleocharis parvula
I made an area where Tropical River Soil is exposed to create a tropical atmosphere. I changed the layout to take advantage of the soil’s unique characteristics.
I made an area where Tropical River Soil is exposed to create a tropical atmosphere. I changed the layout to take advantage of the soil’s unique characteristics.

Lygodium japonicum that lost its leaves because it was unable to withstand drought immediately after planting, is showing signs of revival with new leaves unfolding!