LAYOUT 2018.07.05
Enjoy DOOA vol.01

When arranging driftwood for an aquaterrarium, it is important to keep in mind the composition.
This layout portrays a scene of a wetland in a dense jungle by using a relatively large, nicely shaped piece of driftwood. When arranging driftwood for an aquaterrarium, it is important to keep in mind the composition. Here, I created a triangle composition. The arrangement of plants on the wall section, using some Wabi-Kusa and Wabi-Kusa Mats, was made in line with the triangle structure framed with the driftwood. Additionally, the greenery of the aquaterrarium is nicely accentuated with bare branches of the driftwood which were spaced apart from the wall section. When making the underwater section, I tried not to make a gloomy impression by placing bright color Tropical River Sand, Wabi-Kusa rocks (Utricularia graminifolia) and some riccia attached to small rocks. The sight of Poropanchax normani swimming under the aquatic plants hanging over the water’s edge satisfies our yearning for water.

I recreated a natural fish habitat using driftwood. You can enjoy making an aquatic plants layout with Wabi-Kusa Wall.
You can easily make an aqua-terrarium by placing Wabi-Kusa balls with various plants and Willow moss based Wabi-Kusa Mats on the wall. It will be a full-fledged aquatic plants layout by adding driftwood and Wabi-Kusa rocks to it. With this layout, I recreated a natural fish habitat using boldly arranged driftwood.
Aquaterrarium and Text by Yusuke Homma