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Enjoy DOOA ‘Casually enjoy growing terrestrial leaves of aquatic plants with Neo Glass Air’

Casually enjoy growing terrestrial leaves of aquatic plants with Neo Glass Air

Neo Glass Air is a glass aquarium tank which can be used for various purposes. It is also suitable for us to casually enjoy Terrarium and Paludarium. If it is used with Neo Glass Cover, appropriate humidity can be maintained as well. So terrestrial leaves of aquatic plants and Jungle Plants grow in a healthy condition. Because terrestrial leaves of Alternanthera reineckii ‘Mini’ in this layout grow relatively large compared to other terrestrial leaves of stemmed plants, even a small portion of them can give a great presence. Also, when growing as terrestrial leaves, they tend to grow slowly, and it is quite easy to maintain them. So they can be enjoyed easily for a long time.

DOOA Neo Glass Air W15×D15×H30 (cm)
DOOA Neo Glass Cover 15×15 (cm)
DOOA Jungle Soil
DOOA Jungle Base
DOOA Wabi-Kusa Mist

Macodes petola
BIO Mizukusa no Mori Utriclaria graminifolia
BIO Mizukusa no Mori Anubias barteri var. nana ‘Petite’
BIO Mizukusa no Mori Alternanthera reineckii ‘Mini’
Wabi-Kusa Mat Vesicularia Montagnei ‘Chirstmas moss’

Shooting date: December 13th, 2019(ADA)
Creation: ADA


Enjoy flowers in small Plaudarium
Wild looking Paludarium can be created even in Neo Glass Air as well as Nature Aquarium by incorporating an idea of composition balance and a concept of foreground, mid-ground and background.
DOOA Neo Glass Air W20×D20×H20(cm)
DOOA Neo Glass Cover 20×20(cm)
DOOA Jungle Soil
DOOA Jungle Base
DOOA Wabi-Kusa Mist

BIO Mizukusa no Mori Micranthemum umbrosum ‘Monte carlo’
BIO Mizukusa no Mori Utricularia graminifolia
BIO Mizukusa no Mori Hydrocotyle verticillata
BIO Mizukusa no Mori Lagenandra keralensis
BIO Mizukusa no Mori Cryptocoryne lucens
BIO Mizukusa no Mori Scrophulariaceae limnophila sp.
BIO Mizukusa no Mori Hygrophila pinnatifida
Jungle Plant Epidendrum porpax
Jungle Plant Ceratostylis philippinense
Wabi-Kusa Mat Vesicularia Montagnei ‘Chirstmas moss’

Shooting date: September 13th, 2019(ADA)
Creation: Kota Iwahori


Enjoy Iwagumi with Neo Glass Air
By placing Ryuoh Stones on the soil, then planting Utricularia graminifolia and maintaining it by bright windows, such small scenery with stones is successfully created. If it’s with Neo Glass Air, Iwagumi can be easily enjoyed.
DOOA Neo Glass Air W20×D20×H8 (cm)
Aqua Soil – Amazonia

BIO Mizukusa no Mori Utricularia graminifolia

Shooting date: July 5th, 2018(ADA)
Creation: Daisuke Inoue


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