DOOA STYLE #3 An aquatic appearance
On my commuting route, there used to be a plot where Ottelia alismoides grew naturally. But recently, it was buried because of farmland development. While feeling disappointed about this, I was comforted by the gently curled leaves with exotic tiger stripes, placed at the corner of my desk. The main feature this time is Ottelia ulvifolia, which belongs to the same genus as O. alismoides, and familiarly known as “African Ottelia” in Japan. I planted it in DOOA Tropical River Soil and added 2 pieces of Bottom Plus two weeks after planting. The leaves are easily damaged, but do not cut damaged leaves immediately unless they are rotting away. Always keep 10 leaves or so until clean foliage is fully grown.

DOOA Neo Glass Air W20×D20×H35 (cm)
DOOA Tropical River Soil
DOOA Jungle Base
Power Sand Basic S
Bottom Plus
Ottelia ulvifolia
Creator/ Kota Iwahori
DOOA Neo Glass Air W20×D20×H35 (cm)
DOOA Tropical River Soil
DOOA Jungle Base
Power Sand Basic S
Bottom Plus
Ottelia ulvifolia
Creator/ Kota Iwahori