DOOA STYLE #6 ‘The needs of tiny living things growing in a small space’
Growing plants in small glassware is seemingly getting more and more popular these days.
Glass Pot SHIZUKU was thus developed exclusively for small paludariums. Combining the shape of a water droplet and four ventilation holes, this glass pot creates gentle internal air circulation, as if taking a deep breath, and regulates the temperature and humidity. I am sure that the plants growing inside the pot prove the effectiveness of this clever shape. The Corybas peeking out of the moss shimmers with luster, and extends its leads to develop bulbs. My expectations are high that the new buds will surely bloom.
Glass Pot SHIZUKU was thus developed exclusively for small paludariums. Combining the shape of a water droplet and four ventilation holes, this glass pot creates gentle internal air circulation, as if taking a deep breath, and regulates the temperature and humidity. I am sure that the plants growing inside the pot prove the effectiveness of this clever shape. The Corybas peeking out of the moss shimmers with luster, and extends its leads to develop bulbs. My expectations are high that the new buds will surely bloom.

DOOA Jungle Base, DOOA Tropical River Sand
Horn Wood, Koke-Ishi
DOOA Jungle Base, DOOA Tropical River Sand
Horn Wood, Koke-Ishi

1. Corybas geminigibbus
2. Corybas pictus
3. Sonerila sp. from Phang Nga
4. Sonerila sp. from Sibolga
5. Piper sp. ‘Carranglan Nueva Ecija’
6. Selaginella willdenowii
7. Asplenium sp., Hypnum plumaeforme Wilson, Thuidium sp., Racomitrium japonicum, Leucobryum bowringii Mitt, Leucobryum juniperoideum
1. Corybas geminigibbus
2. Corybas pictus
3. Sonerila sp. from Phang Nga
4. Sonerila sp. from Sibolga
5. Piper sp. ‘Carranglan Nueva Ecija’
6. Selaginella willdenowii
7. Asplenium sp., Hypnum plumaeforme Wilson, Thuidium sp., Racomitrium japonicum, Leucobryum bowringii Mitt, Leucobryum juniperoideum