Enjoy DOOA ‘A rocky dance hall where Begonias from tropical Asia dance’
I imagined the way Begonia naturally grow on rocks and damp slopes and created a slope with Sansui Stones to connect it to the wall. To express plants that flourish powerfully in the rainy season, I placed Entodon sp. and Bartramia pomiformis on the slope and made them grow sufficiently. Begonia have a few growth patterns such as rhizomatous, cane-like and crawling, and different Begonia can be used depending on the situations. I incorporated 8 types of unique Begonia in this layout. I planted Begonia lichenora for the wall to slope, and cane-like Begonia amphioxus for the space on the left. Besides those places, I also planted them in the gaps between stones and driftwood pieces, near the wall and in the substrate. And it has become a delightful layout which you can enjoy distinctive looks of each Begonia.

DOOA Paluda Light 30
DOOA System Paluda 30 W30×D30×H45 (cm)
DOOA Mistflow
DOOA Mistflow Cap
DOOA Circulation Fan 40
DOOA Paluda Clean PC
DOOA System Stand 35 (Black)
Power Cord S-70
DOOA Jungle Soil / Jungle Base
DOOA Wabi-Kusa Mist
Water Softener
Sansui Stone
Horn Wood
Begonia lichenora
Begonia phoeniogramma III
Begonia phoeniogramma Ⅰ
Begonia amphioxus
Begonia dracopelta
Begonia sp. Sumatra
Begonia pavonina
Begonia sp. Berau
Sonerila sp. ‘Wayanad White spot’
Selaginella willdenowii
Selaginella picta
Davallia trichomanoides
Anoectochilus formosanus
Entodon sp.
Bartramia pomiformis
Wabi-Kusa Mat Vesicularia Montegni
BIO Mizukusa no Mori Hydrocotyle tripartita ‘Mini’
Shot on August 5, 2021 (ADA)
Creator Kota Iwahori
DOOA Paluda Light 30
DOOA System Paluda 30 W30×D30×H45 (cm)
DOOA Mistflow
DOOA Mistflow Cap
DOOA Circulation Fan 40
DOOA Paluda Clean PC
DOOA System Stand 35 (Black)
Power Cord S-70
DOOA Jungle Soil / Jungle Base
DOOA Wabi-Kusa Mist
Water Softener
Sansui Stone
Horn Wood
Begonia lichenora
Begonia phoeniogramma III
Begonia phoeniogramma Ⅰ
Begonia amphioxus
Begonia dracopelta
Begonia sp. Sumatra
Begonia pavonina
Begonia sp. Berau
Sonerila sp. ‘Wayanad White spot’
Selaginella willdenowii
Selaginella picta
Davallia trichomanoides
Anoectochilus formosanus
Entodon sp.
Bartramia pomiformis
Wabi-Kusa Mat Vesicularia Montegni
BIO Mizukusa no Mori Hydrocotyle tripartita ‘Mini’
Shot on August 5, 2021 (ADA)
Creator Kota Iwahori

Male flowers are blooming – Begonia phoeniogramma Ⅲ
Not only are its leaves beautiful with a tiny polka dot pattern but its flowers are also beautiful because the top and bottom petals and left and right petals have different colors and shapes. 2 flower buds at the bottom are female flowers.
Not only are its leaves beautiful with a tiny polka dot pattern but its flowers are also beautiful because the top and bottom petals and left and right petals have different colors and shapes. 2 flower buds at the bottom are female flowers.

Rhizomatous – Begonia sp. Sumatra
Six weeks after the production, its buds started developing. It is interesting that only rhizomatous Begonia develop at a different timing from other plants.
Six weeks after the production, its buds started developing. It is interesting that only rhizomatous Begonia develop at a different timing from other plants.

Rooting on Sansui Stones and driftwood
The Begonia planted next to each other were placed in a way that the patterns and colors do not overlap so that each individuality can be cherished.
The Begonia planted next to each other were placed in a way that the patterns and colors do not overlap so that each individuality can be cherished.