DOOA STYLE#16 Vamos Tentar ! Paluda de Amazonas!
It is a simple Paludarium with aquatic plants only from South America. The main aquatic plant is Echinodorus Joyo Red Star in bright brown. Echinodorus tenellus var. broad leaf that grows distinctive emersed leaves, eases the overstatement of the main aquatic plant, and the carpet of Micranthemum sp. ‘Monte Carlo’ adds a bright impression to the overall look. It is difficult for Echinodorus tenellus var. broad leaf to develop complete emersed leaves in a closed container due to excessive humidity. But I was able to grow solid emersed leaves by planting Echinodorus tenellus var. broad leaf that is close to submerged leaves in a Glass Pot SHIZUKU allowing me to keep appropriate humidity.

Those who love aquatic plants also cherish emersed leaves. Although it is called tenellus (Helanthium tenellum), it looks more like emersed leaves of Bolivianum sp. of the same genus.
■DOOA Magnet Light G
■DOOA Jungle Base, Jungle Soil
■For watering: treated water from Water Softener
Creation/ Kota Iwahori
■DOOA Magnet Light G
■DOOA Jungle Base, Jungle Soil
■For watering: treated water from Water Softener
Creation/ Kota Iwahori

Click here for how to create and maintain a layout in Glass Pot SHIZUKU:
Enjoy Paludarium with DOOA Glass Pot SHIZUKU! | ADA – DOOA (
Enjoy Paludarium with DOOA Glass Pot SHIZUKU! | ADA – DOOA (