連載:Aqua Journal vol.332
DOOA STYLE #24 Who is the star ?

■Glass Pot MARU 95
■Jungle Base
■Jungle Soil
■Eriocaulon sp. ‘Polaris’
■Glass Pot SHIZUKU
■Power Sand Basic S
■Aqua Soil – Amazonia ver.2
■Eriocaulon sp. ‘Mato Grosso’
■Glass Pot MARU 130
■Jungle Base
■Tropical River Soil
■Paepalanthus tortilis
■Glass Pot MARU 95
■Jungle Base
■Jungle Soil
■Eriocaulon sp. ‘Polaris’
■Glass Pot SHIZUKU
■Power Sand Basic S
■Aqua Soil – Amazonia ver.2
■Eriocaulon sp. ‘Mato Grosso’
■Glass Pot MARU 130
■Jungle Base
■Tropical River Soil
■Paepalanthus tortilis
Who is the star ?
There are about 1,200 species of Eriocaulon and Tonina plants in seven genera, and they are distributed mainly in warm regions of the world. They prefer sunny and moist soils, and many of them are found growing naturally in shallow waters of rivers and ponds, coastal areas, and marshy areas. Multiple flower stalks extend to develop small, clustered flower heads at the tips. Most of the leaves are linear, some are rosette-shaped like Eriocaulon sp. ‘Polaris’, and others develop spiral leaves like Tonina fluviatilis and Tonina fluviatilis Aubi. They are relatively easy to grow as emersed, and will do well in glass containers where they can retain moisture. Some are more attractive in their submersed form, such as Eriocaulon sp. ‘Mato Grosso’. Enjoy them in glass containers suitable for their individual growth and nature.
There are about 1,200 species of Eriocaulon and Tonina plants in seven genera, and they are distributed mainly in warm regions of the world. They prefer sunny and moist soils, and many of them are found growing naturally in shallow waters of rivers and ponds, coastal areas, and marshy areas. Multiple flower stalks extend to develop small, clustered flower heads at the tips. Most of the leaves are linear, some are rosette-shaped like Eriocaulon sp. ‘Polaris’, and others develop spiral leaves like Tonina fluviatilis and Tonina fluviatilis Aubi. They are relatively easy to grow as emersed, and will do well in glass containers where they can retain moisture. Some are more attractive in their submersed form, such as Eriocaulon sp. ‘Mato Grosso’. Enjoy them in glass containers suitable for their individual growth and nature.

Eriocaulon sp. ‘Mato Grosso’ is a member of the Eriocaulon sp. family that is easy to grow as submersed and has more delicate submersed leaves than when grown as emersed. A 20 cm “star” will grow in a Glass Pot SHIZUKU that is suitable for this species.

As its name suggests, Paepalanthus tortilis has spiral leaves. Tonina fluviatilis and Tonina fluviatilis Aubi, which are similar in appearance, can be cultivated as well and are best combined with Jungle Base and Tropical River Soil.

The flowering Eriocaulon sp. ‘Polaris’ has lovely round white flower heads that look like stars scattered in space when viewed from the side. The flower heads can be blackish or golden, depending on the species.